ISSN (Online): 2536-6823 | Web of Science (Clarivate) Registered | ELSEVIER (SSRN) ID: 6793001 | IEEE ID: 100377402 | Impact Factor: Google Scholar Analytics | Digital Object Identifier (DOI): Available on all Published Articles | Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Journal | International, Regional, National and Local Journal | Refereed Journal | Open Access Journal | Original Paper Publications | Scholarly Papers | Scopus Journal | Science Direct Journal
IJMRASFP is a University and Professional Based Journal; A registered Journal of Scopus and Web of Science that focuses on Management, Social Sciences Review, Health, Pharmacy, Clinical Sciences Review, Arts, Humanities and Legal Review, Administration Review, Building, Architectural and Engineering Review, Economics and Statistics Review, Foods and Agricultural Review, Banking, Finance and Investments Review, Education Review, and Applied Sciences Review
Indexation and Registrations

Call For Manuscripts Submission Volume 4, Issue 1 (January - April, 2025)
Authors are invited to submit their Manuscripts for review and possible publication
(Submission in Progress)
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research in Academic Studies and Field Practices (IJMRASFP) is a double-blind peer-reviewed, scholarly and open-access Journal. We are an advocate of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations (UN). The scope of the Journal is to publish novelty papers relating to theoretical and empirical studies, aiming to provide an academic and professional platform to generate new concepts, methodologies and encourage emerging scholars, academics and practitioners globally by connecting academics and professionals in the following fields

IJMRASFP provides an open access platform for researchers, scientists, scholars and professionals to exchange their research studies, technical findings, surveying results and applied submissions throughout the globe in e-Journal. We are a network of over 102 million+ academics and 209 million+ professionals globally. Accepted and published papers are shared with all our networks within 5days of publication. The Journal invites scholarly, original and quality research manuscripts for double-blind peer review and possible publications in the current edition (volume and issue). Authors can easily submit original papers, track the editorial decisions and earn points for Future Free Publications (FFP) in the Journal through the IJMRASFP Referral Platform (IJMRASFP RP).
Journal Vision
Breaching the gaps between academic studies, research and field practices.
Journal Mision
Connecting academics and professionals through Journal review, seminars, symposium and sharing all published articles with our networks of over 311 million+ academics and professionals within 5days of publication.
Call for Papers

Management and Social Sciences (research and practices), Health, Pharmacy and Clinical sciences (research and practices), Arts, Humanities and Legal (research and practices), Administration (research and practices), Architectural and Engineering (research and practices), Economics and Statistics (research and practices), Banking and Investments and Applied Sciences (research and practices), Foods and Agricultural Sciences (research and practices), and Education Studies (research and practices).
We are Green; Are you Sustainable?
You may want to read about the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations (UN)